Whether you’re brand new to obstacle course racing or you’ve been training and racing for awhile, you probably get just a wee bit nervous when you think about your upcoming race.
Are we right?
C’mon, admit it. Maybe it’s the giant 15 foot leap into Davy Jones’ Locker that gets your heart pumping. Or maybe our new obstacle Wheel World makes you nervous. You may have even heard how challenging Teeter Tuber can be when conditions are extra wet and muddy.
If you’ve never done a Savage Race before, you probably want to know what you’ve just gotten yourself into.
Check out these recent race recaps that will give you a good taste of what Savage Race is all about, and we’ll see YOU in the mud!
Click the link below for Savage Race Chicago 2015 Race Results!
Offer ends Friday, August 28th at 11:59 PM EST
Savage Race Chicago 2016 – July 30, 2016
Click here for more event specific information!