SavageRace Savage Anywhere Workouts

The Savage Anywhere challenge is provided for free. However, if you’d like to support Savage Race, please register. Registered participants will receive a finisher shirt and medal upon completion, and your completion will count towards Savage Syndicate eligibility. Read the full details on Savage Anywhere.

Start here (Challenge 1) and work your way down the list! You have 28 days to complete 14 challenges, so take rest days as needed.

Download the Savage Anywhere challenge log to keep track of your workouts.

Savage Anywhere
Challenge 1 of 14
Type: Conditioning WOD
Challenge designed by:

Challenge 1 is the same for Race and Blitz.

“Palace” (Equipment Version)
AMRAP 6:      (AMRAP 6: = As many rounds as possible in 6 minutes)
2 Single DB Reverse Lunges
20 Double-Unders
4 Single DB Reverse Lunges
20 Double-Unders
6 Single DB Reverse Lunges
20 Double-Unders
Continue to add (2) reverse lunges per round

Rest 2:00

2 Single DB Power Snatches
20 Double-Unders
4 Single DB Power Snatches
20 Double-Unders
6 Single DB Power Snatches
20 Double-Unders
Continue to add (2) power snatches per round

“Palace” (No equipment version)
2 Odd-Object Reverse Lunges
20 Odd-Object Lateral Hops
4 Odd-Object Reverse Lunges
20 Odd-Object Lateral Hops
6 Odd-Object Reverse Lunges
20 Odd-Object Lateral Hops
Continue to add (2) reverse lunges per round

Rest 2:00

2 Odd-Object Ground to Overhead
20 Odd-Object Lateral Hops
4 Odd-Object Ground to Overhead
20 Odd-Object Lateral Hops
6 Odd-Object Ground to Overhead
20 Odd-Object Lateral Hops
Continue to add (2) Odd-Object Ground to Overhead per round

*Video on Odd-Object Addition

//Sam’s notes:
You can use any backpack for this. If you are interested in ruck training, Sam uses and recommends GORUCK 20L Rucker and Ruck Plate.

If you can’t do double-unders yet, do 3X as many single-unders (so, 60), or tuck jumps instead.

Savage Anywhere
Challenge 2 of 14
Type: Run Training
Challenge designed by: Chrissy McFarland (Savage PRO top athlete)








Chrissy’s Race Challenge:
1 mile warm up run

1 mile, very fast
-20 dumbbell shoulder presses each hand, with weight that will challenge you. (can substitute other heavy object)
-max pull ups to failure

1 mile, very fast
-50 yards backwards bear crawl
-50 yards forward bear crawl
-0.25 mile heavy object carry

1 mile, very fast
-25 burpees
-50 yard heavy carry with heavy object (eg. farmer carries, zercher carry, etc)

1 mile, very fast
-50 pushups
-100 air squats

1 mile cool down, easy jog

Then, do a dead hang challenge. Dead hang as long as possible, immediately after you finish run

Chrissy’s Blitz Challenge:
½ mile warm up run

½ mile, very fast
-15 dumbbell shoulder presses, each hand, with weight that will challenge you. (can substitute other heavy object)
-max pull ups to failure

½ mile, very fast
-50 yards backwards bear crawl
-50 yards forward bear crawl
-0.25 mile heavy object carry

½ mile, very fast
-25 burpees
-50 yard heavy carry with heavy object (eg. farmer carries, zercher carry, etc)

½ mile, very fast
-30 pushups
-60 air squats

1 mile cool down, easy jog

Then, do a dead hang challenge. Dead hang as long as possible, immediately after you finish run.

//Sam’s notes:
You can always substitute walking, walk-running, or rucking if you prefer, Sam uses and recommends GORUCK 20L Rucker and Ruck Plate.

Savage Anywhere
Challenge 3 of 14
Type: Conditioning WOD
Challenge designed by:

Challenge 3 is the same for Race and Blitz.

10:00 to 30:00 minute conditioning warm up
Pick your own warm-up distance and duration, based on your fitness level
Choose from running, swift walk, rower, cycling, or ruck.
Get your heart rate up to a moderate level (breathing heavy, starting to sweat, etc)


“Deck of Cards”:
Spades – DB Goblet Squats -or- Odd-Object Zercher Squats
Clubs – Odd-Object to Shoulder
Diamonds – Sit-Ups
Hearts – Hand-release pushups

*Deck of Cards Explanation Video for iPhone app users (good for if you don’t have a real deck of cards handy)

* Adjust video movements to the movements listed above
* Finish every card in the deck. Number of reps equals number on card. Face cards are 10 reps. Ignore Jokers.


The Savage Anywhere challenge is provided for free. However, if you’d like to support Savage Race, please register. Registered participants will receive a finisher shirt and medal upon completion, and your completion will count towards Savage Syndicate eligibility. For full details on Savage Anywhere, click here.

Savage Anywhere
Challenge 4 of 14
Challenge designed by: Lee Stowell (Savage Race Director & Savage PRO top athlete)

“One Leg Wonder”

Do all exercises in the order shown below. (Footwork + Single Leg + Core) is 1 round.

Do 1 round for Blitz. Do 2 rounds for Race.

Rest as needed. Scale all movements to your ability. Post results to Savage Syndicate (optional).

All of the movements for this workout are explained in the video.

Footwork series:

-2 mile run/walk/row/ruck
-3 min High Knees
-4 min Jump Rope (just do the action without rope if you don’t have one)

Single Leg series: Do all of these consecutively while standing on one foot, then switch feet and repeat the entire series on the other foot. If you lose balance, just quickly regain and keep going. Try to go through the whole series without letting your second foot touch down!

-60s balance with eyes closed
-10x calf raise
-10x pistol squat (whether its 2” or full deep squat, go as far as you can with max effort)
-10x Drinking Bird (single leg toe touch)
-10x walkout with pushup
-10x calf raise
-100x arm circles, 2’ circles

Core Series: If you have to break and rest, just continue from where you left off.

-4 min Plank with contralateral limb raise (raise one leg and opposite arm, switch as much as you want)
Single Leg Glute Bridge alphabet: hold in single leg glute bridge, and trace the letters of the alphabet with your free leg, letters about 2’ tall. Do both legs, one at a time.
-100 Russian Twists

Savage Anywhere
Challenge 5 of 14
Challenge designed by:    

This workout is the same for Blitz or Race. The workout lasts 30 minutes, including rest time. On each 5 minute mark start a new round (i.e. 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25) and use remaining time between rounds for rest.

On the 5:00 x 6 Rounds:
10 Alternating Single DB Power CJ
400m Run
100m Single DB Farmer Carry

“SeaWorld” (No Equipment Version):
On the 5:00 x 6 Rounds:
Wearing Weighted Back Pack(Ruck):
15 Pushups
15m Walking Lunge
400m Run or swift walk

//Sam’s notes: You can use any backpack and weight. I recommend and use GORUCK 20L Rucker and Ruck Plate.

Savage Anywhere
Challenge 6 of 14
Challenge designed by: Ryan Woods (Professional OCR Athlete, multiple Savage Race 1st Place Overall Wins)

“Woodsy’s Fartlek Run”

Warmup jog of 10-15min

Blitz: 4 rounds of 3 minute pickups at 10k race pace. After each 3min interval rest for 1min by slowly jogging or walking.

Race: 8 rounds of 3 minute pickups at 10k race pace. After each 3min interval rest for 1min by slowly jogging or walking.

Cool down jog 5-10min

Strength: same for Race and Blitz – Grab a six pack of your favorite beer (or root beer, if you’re under 21) and open with authority. 12oz curl at first but each subsequent curl should reduce at least one ounce. After each 12oz is empty repeat 6 times.


Savage Anywhere
Challenge 7 of 14
Challenge designed by: Matt Heaton, Daniel Heaton, and Sam Abbitt

“Uncle Larry”

For this challenge, you will need a weighted backpack (aka ruck). The recommended ruck weight is 20 pounds for people under 150 pounds, and 30 pounds for people over 150 pounds.

Blitz version:

A) With a loaded ruck*, ascend and descend a flight of stairs for 15 minutes. Without removing your pack, do one pushup at the bottom of each flight of stairs. This works out to about one push up for every 16 stairs or so.

Rest for 3 minutes, without removing ruck.
then, remove your ruck and…

B) EMOM** 8 rounds of 50 yard all out sprints (25 yard down and backs)

C) ½ mile cooldown walk/jog/bike (ruck optional)

Race version:

A) With a loaded ruck*, ascend and descend a flight of stairs for 15 minutes. Without removing your pack, do three pushups at the bottom of each flight of stairs. This works out to about one push up for every 16 stairs or so.

Rest for 3 minutes, without removing ruck.
then, remove your ruck and…

B) EMOM** 10 rounds of 50 yards all out sprints (25 yard down and backs)

C) Then, repeat the stair ruck with pushups as described above for 15 more minutes.

D) 1 mile cooldown walk/jog/bike (ruck optional)

Larry’s “A little sumthin’ extra” (optional bonus work):

Increase to 10 weighted push-ups after each flight of stairs.

//Sam’s notes: If you don’t have access to a flight of stairs do step ups onto a bench, curb, box, stool, or find a very steep hill. Do ruck pushup after every 20 step ups.

*Any backpack can be made to work for this. I recommend padding the bottom of your ruck with towels and wrapping your weight with something soft. Plastic water bottles work great for ruck weights and weigh about 1 pound each. If you enjoy ruck workouts and want to invest in the highest quality gear, I recommend GORUCK’s 20L Rucker and Ruck Plate.

**EMOM means every minute, on the minute. Run a timer and start a new sprint on every minute mark. Use the rest of the time to catch your breath.

Larry Heaton on his way to the summit of Mount Rainier.

Savage Anywhere
Challenge 8 of 14
Challenge provided by:    

This challenge is the same for Race and Blitz challenges.

“Strict Nicole”

AMRAP 20:00
400 Meter Run
Max Strict Pull-Ups

“Strict Nicole” (No equipment version)
AMRAP 20:00
400 Meter Run
20 Jumping Lunges

Perform a 400 meter run, then complete as many pull-ups as possible in a single set (unbroken, meaning a drop from the pull-up bar, touching the ground, or otherwise resting in any position other than a hang counts as a break and the end of the set). Continue immediately to another run and another max set of pull-ups. Repeat until the 20-minutes is up. Score is the total number of pull-ups (or jumping lunges) completed before the 20-minute clock stops.

AMRAP = “As many reps as possible”


The Savage Anywhere challenge is provided for free. However, if you’d like to support Savage Race, please register. Registered participants will receive a finisher shirt and medal upon completion, and your completion will count towards Savage Syndicate eligibility. For full details on Savage Anywhere, click here.

Savage Anywhere
Challenge 9 of 14
Challenge provided by:    

This exercise is the same for Race and Blitz.

“Steady Betty”
4 Rounds (20:00 Total)
:40s Weighted Hollow Hold, :20s Rest
:40s Odd-object Romanian Deadlifts, :20s Rest
:40s Single Arm OHS Hold (L), :20s Rest
:40s Single Arm OHS Hold (R), 1:20 Rest

Completed all movements with a dumbbell or pack.

1.Couch Stretch: 2 Minutes Each Side
2. Pike Stretch: 2 Minutes
3. Child’s Pose: 1 Minute
4. Pigeon Pose: 2 Minutes Each Side

Savage Anywhere
Challenge 10 of 14
Challenge designed by: Chris Stangle @ Runfluent

“Let’s Get Savage” Race Simulation

“This makes my arms feel exactly like they do on race day.” -Chris Stangle

Equipment version:
800 meter run
10 pull-ups
10 alternating bicep curls (10/10)
10 bent over rows

x10 rounds for Race
x6 rounds for Blitz

No equipment version:
800 meter run
45 seconds low plank
10 odd-object squat cleans
10 odd-object bent over rows

x10 rounds for Race
x6 rounds for Blitz

Runfluent provides professional Gait Analysis and customized goal driven run programming at an affordable cost. Contact Chris to learn more, Runfluentcoach [at]


The Savage Anywhere challenge is provided for free. However, if you’d like to support Savage Race, please register. Registered participants will receive a finisher shirt and medal upon completion, and your completion will count towards Savage Syndicate eligibility. For full details on Savage Anywhere, click here.

Savage Anywhere
Challenge 11 of 14
Challenge provided by:    

This challenge is the same for Race and Blitz.

For Time:
100 Alternating DB Clean and Jerks (50 per arm, alternating)
*OTM – 5 Burpees over DB

“Kalsnew” (No Equipment Version)
For Time:
100 “Odd-Object” Ground-to-Shoulder
*OTM – 5 Burpees over “Odd-Object”

Make your weight heavy enough to be challenging.

*OTM is “On the minute,” meaning you perform 5 burpees every time your workout timer hits a new minute mark.


Improve from last time…
1.Couch Stretch: 2 Minutes Each Side
2. Pike Stretch: 2 Minutes
3. Child’s Pose: 1 Minute
4. Pigeon Pose: 2 Minutes Each Side

Savage Anywhere
Challenge 12 of 14
Challenge provided by:    

This exercise is the same for Race and Blitz.


3 Front Plank Pushups
3 Strict Pull-Ups
3 Turkish Sit-Ups
3 Weighted Glute Bridges (use best available challenging weight, barbell, or odd-object)

Go up by 3 reps each round (e.g. Round 1 is 3 reps of each, round 2 is 6 of each, 9, 12, etc…)

*Sub strict pull-ups for Odd-Object Rows if no equipment (This link references explanation video from “Let’s Get Savage” workout where the same movement was involved)

Savage Anywhere
Challenge 13 of 14
Challenge designed by: Rachel Hunt

“Rachel’s Run”

3 Rounds of:

– 15-second Samson Stretch
– 10 Air squats
– 10 Sit-ups
– 10 Single count Bend and Reach
– 10 Push ups

2.5 mile run (Blitz), or 4 mile run (Race), each mile increasing in pace.

At the start of each mile complete the following.
– 25 Air squats
– 25 Push ups
– 25 Lunges
– 25 Sit-Ups

Aim to maintain a consistent pace for each of the miles, gradually increasing pace with each mile you start. Last mile should end with your fastest pace possible while maintaining the same pace over the entire mile.

Savage Anywhere
Challenge 14 of 14
Challenge designed by: Cadre DS

“7th Inning Stretch”

This exercise is the same for Race and Blitz.

7 rounds:
7 push ups
7 swings
250m swift ruck (Race); 100m swift ruck (Blitz)*

The prescribed ruck weight is 45 pounds for people over 150 pounds, and 35 pounds for people under 150 pounds. Scale to your ability.

The prescribed ruck speed for the 100m ruck is ruck-walking as fast as you can, or a slow trot.

If you do not have a backpack suitable for heavy swings, you may swing a dumbbell, or kettlebell. You may also substitute for odd-object to shoulder.

Cadre DS (Dan) is a special forces operator, with experience serving in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Africa, and Haiti as an Air Force Combat Controller. Dan maintains and teaches a “ready for whatever” level of fitness, and is an event Cadre for Savage Race GORUCK Tough events.

//Sam’s notes:
You can use any backpack for this. If you are interested in ruck training, Sam uses and recommends GORUCK 20L Rucker and Ruck Plate.

Upon completion of Savage Anywhere I, registered athletes can claim their finisher hardware (shirt, medal, etc) by filling out this form. Athletes who have not registered yet may still choose to do so to claim completion hardware.

Finished with Savage Anywhere? Read for Savage Anywhere part II?

Take me to the Savage Anywhere II workouts …


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