Parking Instructions
Savage Race parking is available for $10 per car and $25 for RVs or buses for each race day. VIP parking will be available for $20. CASH ONLY!
General Parking:
Beaumont Ranch
10736 County Rd. 102
Grandview, TX 76050
Google Maps
*Know your assigned start time before you arrive on race day. If you do not know your wave time or bib number, go to the giant blue wall with the most up to date bib list before going to the information tent.
If you registered after 9/24 11:59 PM – Your race time is:
*Participants may move to a later wave time, but not earlier. Teams and groups may always run together.
Print and fill out your waiver(s) before race day:
With your signed waiver and photo ID in hand, head to the BIB PICKUP lane that corresponds with your bib number (SavageJR: please head to the SAVAGEJR tent when you arrive. Bib numbers are not assigned ahead of time and SavageJR names are not posted on the participant list).
You will then receive your race packet that contains:
Loop the strap through the timing chip and attach it to your wrist.
Remove your FREE BEER TAB from the bib and put it in a safe place (in your bag or in your vehicle). You will not receive your free beer if you do not present the tab at the free beer tent after you race.
Using the safety pins, attach the bib to an article of clothing you will be wearing during the race. Make sure it’s visible from the front so that the race photographers will be able to identify you for your FREE race photos!
If you would like to check a bag, take it to the BAG CHECK tent. Bag check is $5 per bag.
Head to the big black arch labeled START and get warmed up until your wave time.
With your signed spectator waiver in hand, head to the SPECTATOR tent.
When to Arrive
We recommend that you arrive at least 1 hour before your wave time. Remember that you will have to park, pick up your packet, attach your bib and timing chip, drop off your bags (optional), and then make your way to the starting line. Parking and registration opens at 8:00 AM. First wave starts at 9:00 AM.
What you Need to Bring
What to Leave at Home:
Do not bring any of the following items to Savage Race:
Optional Bag Check
We will have an optional bag check available for $5. Please make sure to have your own bag if you want to check something. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Free Beer Ticket – Don’t Lose It!
We want you to receive your hard-earned beer. Each participant over 21 will have a beer ticket attached to their bib. Make sure you remove the ticket from the bib prior to the event. If you lose it, you will not be able to get your free beer.
Lost and Found Items
We will have a lost and found located at the bag check tent on race day. Please be aware that not all items are turned in to us, and we are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Race Day Registrations
Race day registrations will be available:
$169 Savage Race Open – SATURDAY OR SUNDAY
$159 Savage Blitz Open – SATURDAY OR SUNDAY
Cancellations and Transfers
Participants can cancel or transfer their registration in advance of the event by contacting our customer service department at You’ll be charged a $30 transfer fee up front and will be given a 100% off code that you can use to register for a future race. (Be sure to contact us at least a few days in advance of the race in order to allow time for this process to take place.)
Participant transfers can be made on race day for $30. We will need to call or have face to face contact with the person who is transferring their registration, so please have them on the phone before you enter the information line to save time.
We do not intend to cancel or delay Savage Race due to inclement weather. We will let you know on our Weather Update Center page if anything changes. Unpredictable weather conditions mean that unexpected race day changes are possible for our event. Please roll with the punches. Generally speaking, we won’t cancel the event for a rainy, wet day. However, lightning, tornadoes, strong winds, and flooding may provide cause for delays or cancellation. Pay attention to the Weather Update Center or to the Savage Race Facebook page for further updates.
SavagePRO & BlitzPRO
To be eligible for SavagePRO and/or BlitzPRO cash prizes and age group awards, athletes must register for the SavagePRO and/or BlitzPRO wave at 9:00 AM on Saturday (Race) or Sunday (Blitz). Upgrades to can be made at the information tent on race day. $30 for SavagePRO and $30 for BlitzPRO. All upgrades must be completed by 8:45 AM.
Overall Awards and Cash Prize Structure (male and female)
1st Place Overall: $1,000; Gold Medal
2nd Place Overall: $500; Silver Medal
3rd Place Overall: $250; Bronze Medal
Age Group Awards (male and female)
1st Place in Age Group: Gold Medal
2nd Place in Age Group: Silver Medal
3rd Place in Age Group: Bronze Medal
SavagePRO & BlitzPRO Ceremony
The SavagePRO & BlitzPRO awards ceremony will take place between 11:30 AM and 12:00 NOON at the main stage. You must be present during the awards ceremony to receive your award; they will not be mailed post-race.
Spectator Information
All spectators will receive:
We have two race heats for our JR Savages. For those 8 and under, the course is about a 1/3 mile loop with 10 kid-sized obstacles. For the 8 to 12 year olds, we have a longer course that is about 1 mile. For that race, we have added additional, more challenging obstacles. Even the youngest Savages can get dirty and join in on the fun. Both sets of SavageJR heats will take place at 11:00AM and 1:30PM on Saturday and 11:00AM ONLY on Sunday for children 12 and under.
Photos & Results
We know you will be anxiously waiting for your results and free photos immediately after the race, so here’s what you need to know:
A link to the results will be posted the night of the event on the event page. Click Here.
Preview Photos
Preview photo albums will be posted the night of the race on Facebook. These are just a teaser for your FREE photos that will be ready later in the week after the race. Click Here.
Free Photos
Official Savage Race photographers will be wearing bright yellow vests and will be stationed at a few different obstacles throughout the course. Free photos will be posted on the event page by Monday after the event. It takes some time to tag all of the photos, so please be patient. Click Here.
How to Find Us