SavageRace Savage Anywhere: The Poseidon Challenge Workouts


The Savage Anywhere challenge is a 28 day challenge designed to help you prepare for your Savage Race event. To participate in the challenge, you can follow this link to register. Registered participants will receive a Zeus Challenge shirt and Savage Anywhere medal upon completion, and the completion will count towards Savage Syndicate eligibility. Read the full details and rules for Savage Anywhere.

You are now on the workout page for Savage Anywhere, The 2022 Poseidon Challenge. You have 28 days to complete the following 14 challenges, so take rest days as needed.

Equipment suggested: All of the movements may be scaled for athletes without access to fitness equipment. However, the experience is enhanced if you have access to dumbbells, a jump rope, a pull-up bar, and a heavy backpack, sandbag, or other heavy object.

Download the Savage Anywhere challenge log to keep track of your workouts.

Savage Anywhere MMXXII

With the 2022 Savage Race season in full swing, Savage Anywhere: The Zeus Challenge rolls out with a whole new set of challenges designed to keep you in shape, keep those skills sharp and help you stay at the top of your game.  Some things to look for in this series:  grip strength work (a lot of it), core strength, compromised running and strength under fatigue.  Let’s get after it Savages!  


Poseidon I

3 Rounds
30 Jumping Lunges
20 DB Push Press
10 Burpees
1 min horse stance hold 

Recommended Dumbbell Weight:
Advanced:     M:  45-50lb W:  30-35lb
Scaled:   M:  30-35lb W:  15-20lb 


-Warm up properly

-DB Push Press – drive the weights up and lock the knees.  Knees should not bend once the weight goes up.

-Horse stance hold – wide stance, toes pointed outward.  At the bottom of the hold, the hips should be level with the top of the knees so that the upper leg is parallel with the ground.  Knees should be directly over the heel so that the upper and lower leg create a right angle.  Back is straight, head is up, arms can be relaxed or held up in front.  Tuck the ‘bum’ under, meaning, pull the hips forward to engage the core, don’t push them back.  While holding, focus on recovery with deep, steady breaths.  


Poseidon II

Part A
DB Front Squat with 3 second hold at the bottom
5×5   Five sets of five reps, 1 min rest in between sets

Recommended Dumbbell Weight:
Advanced:  M:  50lb W:  35lb
Scaled:       M:  40lb W:  25lb 

Notes:  Weight should be heavy and/or challenging for 5 reps.  Bottom position must be at parallel or below and held for 3 seconds before ascending.  Keep core engaged, back straight and head up so that the weights do not pull you forward out of proper position.  Keep a consistent breathing pattern. 

4 min rest into

Part B

EMOM 20 (Every Minute on the minute for 20 minutes)
Min 1:  8 Dbl DB Box/Ledge Step Up
Min 2:  4 Wall Walks
Min 3: Dbl DB Deadlifts
Min 4:  Rest

Recommended Dumbbell Weight:
Advanced:  M:  45-50lb W:  30-35lb
Scaled:   M:  30-35lb W:  15-20lb 


Total of 5 rounds of the above 4 minute sequence

Dbl DB Box/Ledge Step Up – If possible, box/ledge height should be M: 24”, W: 20”.  Weights should be kept in the hang position at the waist.  The athlete must stand tall at the top with fully open hips and straight legs.

Wall Walks – A full wall walk consists of the athlete ‘walking’ all the way to the wall once in the inverted vertical position and touching the wall with the chest, then ‘walking’ back out until the feet, legs and the chest are resting on the ground (see demo video).  The scaled version of the wall walk consists of the athlete beginning in the resting position, feet, legs and chest on the ground and the soles of the feet touching the wall, then performing a push up to plank hold. From there, the athlete holds the push up plank position while placing both feet on the wall (one at a time), a minimum of two feet above the ground and pauses before returning to the start position.  This equals one rep of the basic scaled version.  The progression of the wall walk standard is when the athlete attempts to ‘walk’ toward the wall when in the vertical position as far as possible before reversing and ‘walking’ back out to the resting position.  Prior to starting the workout the athlete should determine what standard of wall walk he/she will be attempting and strive to hold to that standard for the entire workout.  To clarify:  the scaled version of the wall walk is any version from the basic ‘hold and back down’ movement to any number of ‘walks’ toward the wall without touching the wall with the chest.

DB Deadlift – Only one head of the dumbbell must touch the ground at the bottom.  Finished position is the athlete standing upright with legs straight and hips open.


Poseidon III

Part A
3 Sets – 2 min rest in between sets
8 Single Arm Bicep Curl with Static Hold (8 each arm)
20 Hand Release Push Ups 

Recommended Dumbbell Weight:
Advanced:  M:  35lb           W:  20lb
Scaled:       M:  20-25lb W:  5-15lb 


Single Arm Bicep Curl with Static Hold – one arm performs the curls while the other is held at a 90 degree angle (with weight, palm facing up) for the duration of the 8 reps.  This sequence is repeated for the other side before continuing to the 20 hand release push ups.  For the push ups, the torso comes to rest on the ground as both hands are released before returning to the ground to complete the push up. 

4 min rest into

Part B

20 Min AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible)
20 Weighted Russian Twists (each tap is a rep; advanced=keep both feet off the ground)
20 Alternating DB Snatches
200 yd run

Same Recommended DB weight 


Poseidon IV

For time:
5 Rounds
10 DB Thrusters
20 Toes to Bar
30 second Contralateral Single Arm Single Plank Hold (15 seconds each position)
40 Double Unders (80 single unders)

Recommended Dumbbell Weight:
Advanced:     M:  45-50lb W:  30-35lb
Scaled:   M:  30-35lb W:  15-20lb


Thrusters – Recommended weight is on the heavy side to challenge you as we are seeking to build strength in this series.  This can be scaled based on personal goals.  Athlete should hit parallel or below at the bottom and full extension at the top with the head through the window of the arms. Barbell thruster can be used as well with the following recommended weights:

Advanced:   M:  135lbs     W:  95lbs
Scaled:        M:   95lbs      W:  75lbs 

Toes to Bar – Scaled option here is Hanging Knee Raise

Contralateral Single Arm Single Leg Plank Hold – Start with the standard push up plank and ‘release’ the opposite arm and leg to reach a full extension of each.  This may take a second for those of us who are less coordinated, especially when transitioning from one side to the other.  Time should start once in this hold position to ensure a full 15 seconds of hold time for each side.  




Poseidon V

Sunday Ruck 

Ruck Sack/Back Pack weighted with 30% of bodyweight (scale as needed)

Part A
5 sets
25 yd walking lunges with Ruck Sack
1 min rest between sets 

4 min rest into

Part B
3 mile Savage Ruck with Ruck Sack/Back Pack weighted with 30% of bodyweight (scale as needed)


Poseidon VI

50 DB Manmakers
.25 mile run every 10th rep

Start and end with .25 mile run

Recommended Dumbbell Weight:
Advanced:  M:  45-50lb W:  30-35lb
Scaled:       M:  30-35lb W:  15-20lb 


-DB Manmakers:  please watch the short demo.  This movement is not designed for speed.  It should not be rushed.  It is a complex compound movement that requires methodical technique, focus and patience.  After the right and left renegade row is completed, the athlete jumps forward to the squat position.  The feet can be inside or outside the dumbbells…athlete’s choice.  On the squat clean, before the thruster, the hips should drop below parallel before coming up into the thruster.  DB weight recommendation is once again on the heavy side with the goal of building muscle strength and stamina.    


Poseidon VII

For time:

Buy in:  100 jumping jacks

5 rounds
20 DB Lat Pullovers from Floor
20 yd Bear Crawl (10 yd out and back)
20 yd DB Crab Walk (10 yd out and back) 

Buy out:  100 jumping jacks

Recommended Dumbbell Weight:
Advanced:  M:  35lb           W:  20lb
Scaled:       M:  20-25lb W:  5-15lb 


-Bear Crawl – both feet should cross the line at the 10 yd mark before returning to the start. 

-DB Crabwalk – Starting position is standing upright with the DB in the goblet squat hold (both hands on one head of the DB held just below the chin and against the top of the chest), feet just outside shoulder width.  Sink into the heels until the hips are slightly above the knees (just above parallel position).  The ‘walk’ should be a side to side shuffle with minimal up-and-down bouncing as the core is kept tight.  Both feet should cross the line at the 10 yd mark before returning to the start.  


Poseidon VIII

25 min AMRAP

25 Push Ups
25 Air Squats

25 Sit Ups

200 yd run



Simple, basic, effective.  Make it count. 


Poseidon IX

Part A
DB Front Squat with 3 second hold at the bottom
5×5   Five sets of five reps, 1 min rest in between sets 

Recommended Dumbbell Weight:
Advanced:  M:  50lb W:  35lb
Scaled:       M:  40lb W:  25lb 

Notes:  Weight should be heavy and/or challenging for 5 reps.  Bottom position must be at parallel or below and held for 3 seconds before ascending.  Keep core engaged, back straight and head up so that the weights do not pull you forward out of proper position.  Keep a consistent breathing pattern.  

4 min rest into:

Part B
5 Rounds for time 

20 yd Single Arm DB Overhead Walking Lunge (10 yd out with one arm, 10 yd back with the other)
20 yd Burpee Broad Jumps

Recommended Dumbbell Weight:
Advanced:  M:  50lb W:  35lb
Scaled:       M:  40lb W:  25lb


Poseidon X

30 min AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible)

.25 mile run
20 Alternating DB Z Press (10 each side)
10 DB Good Mornings
100 yd Towel DB Farmers Carry (50 yd out and back)
30 sec Contralateral Single Arm Single Leg Plank Hold (15 sec each position)

Recommended Dumbbell Weight:
Advanced:  M:  50lb     W:  35lb

Scaled:   M:  30-45lb W:  15-30lb



Alternating DB Z Press – this movement should be from the seated position, flat on the ground with legs straight in front about shoulder width apart.  Back should be straight with the chest pushed out.  Bring both dumbbells up to the shoulders, each one resting in the hand directly above the elbow.  From here, press one dumbbell to full extension overhead, pushing the shoulder up as high as possible and locking the elbow. As the arm with the dumbbell slowly descends back to the start position, the other side begins the same movement upward.  Movement should be steady and stable with the core engaged.

DB Good Mornings – starting in the standing position, feet just outside shoulder width, bring a single dumbbell up and rest it horizontal on the traps, just behind the neck.  This should be a comfortable position.  From here, the athlete steadily pushes the hips back and bends at the waist, maintaining only a slight bend in the knees.  The bottom of the rep is when the torso is just above parallel position to the ground before reversing the movement back to the upright position.  This movement should be steady and stable as well with no jerking or quick movements. 

Towel DB Farmers Carry – The athlete wraps a short towel around each dumbbell or kettlebell, grasps the towel securely, lifts the weights and begins a 100yd farmer’s carry (50yd out and back).  Shoulders should be relaxed, back and down. 

Contralateral Single Arm Single Leg Plank Hold – Start with the standard push up plank and ‘release’ the opposite arm and leg to reach a full extension of each.  This may take a second for those of us who are less coordinated, especially when transitioning from one side to the other.  Time should start once in this hold position to ensure a full 15 seconds of hold time for each side.  


Poseidon XI

Deck of Cards
Numbered cards 2-10 = complete the number of reps on the card that is drawn.
Face Cards (Jacks, Queens, Kings) = 10 reps each
Aces = 5 Wall Walks

Clubs – Standing Broad Jumps
Diamonds – DB Sumo Deadlift with Upright Row
Spades – 200 yd run
Hearts – Weighted Sit Ups


-Standing Broad Jumps – Use a tape measure to create your standing broad jump distance.  Average for Men is 7’3” and Average for Women is 5’7”.  Test the measurement as this is average for a single so adjust accordingly while keeping it a true challenge.  Start with toes on the line, dip and load the hips and legs, extend the arms back, lean slightly forward and explode forward and up.  In mid air, bring the legs forward to landing position and land with heels on or beyond the marker on the other side.  One jump equals one rep.

-DB Sumo Squat with Upright Row – Keep the back straight and head up and squeeze the glutes at the top.

-Weighted Sit Ups – Athlete’s choice of weight:  5lb, 10lb, 15lb, 20lb


Poseidon XII

Buy In:  100 Jumping Jacks followed by 1 min horse stance hold

Directly into

Dbl DB Box/Ledge Step Ups
Dbl DB Devil Presses

Directly into 

Buy Out:   100 Jumping Jacks followed by a 1 min horse stance hold

Recommended Dumbbell Weight:
Advanced:  M:  45-50lb W:  30-35lb
Scaled:   M:  30-35lb W:  15-20lb

Notes:  following the buy-in, the athlete will begin with 21 reps of Dbl DB Box/Ledge step ups followed by 21 reps of DB Devil Press. From there the athlete performs 15 of each of the two movements, in the same order.  Finally, the athlete will perform 9 of each before completing the buy-out to conclude the workout.  



Poseidon XIII

Choose one:

Race Version
100 DB Thrusters
100 Burpees
100 DB Snatches
2 Mile Run

Blitz Version
50 DB Thrusters
50 Burpees
50 DB Snatches
1 Mile Run 


Recommended Dumbbell Weight:
Advanced:  M:  35lb     W:  25lb
Scaled:   M:  20-30lb W:  10-20lb 

*Partition reps/run however you choose

“Know thyself.”  – Socrates

Like a Savage Race, this challenge calls for personal strategy as you break up the movements, reps and run however you choose.  Any order, any distance, any number of reps, as long as you complete the total of each movement.  Do you break up the run and reps equally?  Do you do the entire run and get it out of the way first, save it for last or run a little at a time between the other movements?  What about transition time?  What combination and sequence will get you to the finish first?  Before you begin, take a minute to think about strategy- your strengths and weaknesses and what is needed to finish.  Have a plan (maybe a plan B as well) and execute it.  


Poseidon XIV

3 Rounds for Time

20 Goblet Squat
1 Min Elbow Plank Hold
20 Alt Goblet Cossack Squat (10 each leg)
1 Min Plank Shoulder Taps
20 Alt Goblet Reverse Lunge (10 each leg)
1 Min Side Plank Hold (30 sec each side) 

Recommended Dumbbell Weight:
Advanced:     M:  45-50lb W:  30-35lb
Scaled:   M:  30-35lb W:  15-20lb


Rome wasn’t built in a day but every day the work was done until it was built.  Congratulations Savages for finishing another challenging series of workouts during this goal-crushing year of progress.  Reports of many Savages’ first time 100% Savage Race obstacle completion flowed in all year along with weight loss, increased fitness level, strength and endurance.  Consistency is what carries us so keep at it.  We will see you with a fresh set of challenges in January. 

Upon completion of The Poseidon challenge, paid participants may fill out this form to claim their earned Poseidon Challenge T-shirt and medal.


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