We will update this page if there are any changes to the event plan. Please monitor this page as your official source of event weather information.
UPDATE Timestamp: Thursday, October 24th, 12:30 pm Eastern Time
Dallas, GA - Click here for current weather conditions and forecast.
The current forecast for Saturday is calling for rain showers throughout the day. The event schedule has not changed and we do not foresee that any changes to the event schedule will be required. We will not cancel or change event plans due to rain only.
If thunderstorms/lightning comes too close, we will postpone the event, but will reopen as soon as we can safely do so. Generally, lightning postponement lasts until 30 minutes after the last lightning strike.
We will continue to monitor lightning risk as the event approaches and during the event. If we suspect that the threat of lightning is imminent, or if lightning does strike in the vicinity of the race course, we will temporarily suspend the event until the lightning risk has left the area. If this does occur on race day, please seek shelter in your vehicle and follow this page for updates. This page is the only place to receive official Savage Race weather updates.
The current forecast for Sunday is rain showers. The event schedule has not changed and we do not foresee that any changes to the event schedule will be required. We will not cancel or delay the race for rain.
Foul Weather FAQ
Will you suspend or cancel Savage Race due to rain, lightning, or thunder?
We will not suspend or delay Savage Race for rain only. If it's raining, we are running. If it's lightning or thunder, we are waiting until the storm clears the area for 30 minutes before opening/reopening.
What should I do if I'm on the course and lightning or thunder strikes?
Please head immediately to the safety of your car, and check this page for updates. We will make every effort to re-open the course back up after the lightning clears.
If the race is stopped, will I be able to run after the weather clears?
Our number one priority is your safety. Our number two priority is to make sure that everyone gets to run and has a good time. We will make every effort to allow you to run after the weather clears, on the day you registered. In the event of a foul weather postponement, status updates will be posted to this page.
What if I can't wait around for the weather to clear?
If the weather forces us into a prolonged holding pattern, and you cannot wait onsite until the weather clears, we will offer free transfers to any future event. All you will have to do is write in to us during the week after your planned event. We will not offer refunds of any kind due to weather related cancellations or postponements.
But I signed a death waiver... I thought this was Savage Race?
We know that you are tough, but we don't want you to die in a lightning storm. Also, we have an obligation to the safety of our volunteers and staff, and we cannot clear them to safety until you are off the course. Believe us - we absolutely hate stopping or postponing events more than you do.